Liberation from unhelpful
ways of being is our core business

Whether it is release from conflict and a blame mindset, stepping into unrealised growth and potential, or creating a workplace culture where everyone can thrive, we can tailor a solution for you




Our approach

We create safe spaces where people can experience being met, fully seen and deeply heard. We support individuals, teams and organisations to explore what sits at the crux of the matter and what needs to emerge; from which they can choose a path forward, with a new mindset, skills and sustained behaviours.

Our approach empowers, strengthens and enables people to address their fears, step over thresholds, enter the chaos or conflict, and competently engage in critical conversations.

Momentum’s focus is always on tailored interventions, honouring strengths, building awareness and capacity, and more effective ways to lift conversations, relationships and culture. We give hope and optimism to people who lead, and those stuck in challenging situations, providing the promise of transformation.

Our process

As a starting point, we listen to the presenting problem and its impacts. This might be via a formal briefing or a one to one meeting. From a place of deep presence, curiosity, openness, and no blame, we listen and look through multiple lenses, be it conflict, a change process, relationship opportunity, power or rank dynamic, conscious or unconscious systemic forces, or embedded narrative.

Our processes are never just a bandaid; we bring in the courage for people to go deeply and broadly enough. We look for what can be done differently, in order to make a real and lasting difference, and where individual and collective ownership and agency can be taken.

Heartfelt Retreats

Our heartfelt mission is to help others to find and maintain joy and freedom in their lives.

We believe that joy, gratitude, connection and self-love are key to enduring happiness, wellness and fulfillment.

When fear is replaced with courage and you are liberated from whatever may be holding you back personally or professionally, change is enabled, and transformation occurs.

Momentum’s Story

Momentum grew out of a deep and shared passion to help people better manage conflict and its impacts. Both Directors had worked for many years with people with significant stress related, and other psychological, conditions which had arisen out of avoidance or poorly managed conflict in the workplace. Together they knew that there was a better, less debilitating and costly way.

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